This is a simply beautiful "hybrid" scrapbook page layout. It's also a very inexpensive and easy project. All you'll need is your PC & printer,
Duetica Lettering Art Studio, white card stock or photo paper, some
Best Glue Ever! a
Perfect Crafting Pouch and art glitter!
(click for larger images)

1. Create a document in a word processing program, select the "Draw" document vs. the text document. Alter the page to 12x12 document with .25" borders.
2. Insert a "text" block within the Draw Function to type background. I have repeated my grand daughter's full name in 10 different fonts, making 5 lines that I copied and repeated. She loves pink and purple :o)
3. Create a new "text" block and type an initial. Be sure to "arrange" this block to be on top of the background block.
DUETICA.COM FONTS USED (in order as they appear on the document)
Floot-A00, Mandolyn-B00, Piper-F00, Saxi-E40, Mandolyn-D00, Floot-D30, Piper-B00, Tin Whistle-L00, Woodwynds-I00 and Saxi-G60
4. Insert photos into the document and size accordingly. I "arranged" the layers so the photo was on top of the background fonts, but behind the large initial.
5. At this point I realized I wanted some texture and shading to the background but if I wanted to photos to print well, I'd have to print on WHITE card stock or photo paper.............

6. Under "format", select "area" and pick a texture and colors that work.
You may have to name your new creation and save it. To apply it to your page, see below.

7. Under Page Set up for your document, select "background" and you will see your newly created background texture there. Select it for use in your document and say "OK"

8. Insert more photos. Remember to "arrange" their layers, and print the document on 12x12 white matte card stock or photo paper if desired. LET DRY for at least two hours, longer if you use glossy--see product specifications.

9. Lightly rub the entire page with the
Perfect Crafting Pouch. This will eliminate static problems with the fine art glitter. This will happen more so if the entire page has been printed, the ink is moist. The extra drying time and the
Perfect Crafting Pouch will eliminate this.

10. Apply The
Best Glue Ever! over the printed initial.

11. Cover completely with glitter. I mixed blue and purple Tulip fine art glitter together to get the right color for the layout.

12. Dump off excess glitter and let dry.

I trimmed the approx 1/8 - 1/4" of white off the edges and mounted onto a piece of purple card stock that gives it a nice frame :o)
I hope you try this and have fun with it. If you have any questions, you can email me anytime or find BC Designs
FaceBook. Be sure to visit the
ScraPefect Blog and
Duetica Lettering Arts Blog for inspiration and project ideas.