Friday, May 13, 2011

New Studio REVEAL

FINALLY! I've been wanting to show you the studio for months now! But my techno-challenged self had a few delays. Thank you for your patience!

Eventually, I will get a few bar stools. I usually stand when I create, but I may do a few classes here :o) Or "open studio" days and invite some friends.

I'll be having some give aways too, so follow the blog and/or "Friend" me on FaceBook, I'm also on twitter and will tweet all new blog entries.
This is the original floor plan.

Have no fear, while the video was uploading, Shadow made her way to my desk, her favorite napping spot in the studio. I was going to create an elaborate cat tree/play area near the window, but I think I'll save the $$ and just build a bigger desk!

Now, I'm going to get a few projects started and mess up that 4x8 work station! Woohoo! Have a maaaaavelous day.


  1. I am so very envious - the space is beautiful, wonderfully organized and practical. And I love the quality of the light. Nice and bright. Looking forward to seeing what you will be doing! (Oh and I like your slick black Cricut).

  2. Wow, Becky that's awesome!!!!! Very organized...have fun messing it up!
